Get ready for a journey into the Upside Down as Netflix and Sonia Friedman Productions proudly presents Stranger Things: The First Shadow. This highly anticipated theatrical production brings the supernatural world of Hawkins to life, offering fans a new perspective on the iconic Netflix series.

Crafted by the talented Kate Trefry, with the original story by The Duffer Brothers, Jack Thorne, and Kate Trefry, Stranger Things: The First Shadow is set to mesmerize audiences with its dark and mysterious narrative. The Duffer Brothers, creative masterminds behind the Netflix series, take on the role of creative producers, joined by 21 Laps Entertainment as associate producer.

Directed by the renowned Stephen Daldry, with co-direction by Justin Martin, the play boasts a stellar cast featuring Shane Attwooll, Kemi Awoderu, Chase Brown, Christopher Buckley, and a host of other talented actors embodying the beloved characters from Hawkins. The ensemble promises to deliver a world-class performance, capturing the essence of the Stranger Things universe.

Stranger Things: The First Shadow | Bringing Stranger Things to the Stage | Netflix
The story unfolds with a captivating blend of suspense, horror, and supernatural elements. As the characters navigate the enigmatic world of Hawkins, facing unseen threats and unraveling mysteries, audiences will be on the edge of their seats, eagerly anticipating each twist and turn.

With a creative team that includes set design by Miriam Buether, costume design by Brigitte Reiffenstuel, and original music by D.J. Walde, Stranger Things: The First Shadow promises to be a visually stunning and immersive theatrical experience. From lighting design by Jon Clark to illusions and visual effects by Jamie Harrison & Chris Fisher, every element has been meticulously crafted to transport viewers into the heart of the Stranger Things universe.

The show features a talented ensemble cast, including Shane Attwooll as Chief Hopper, Kemi Awoderu as Sue Anderson, and a lineup of exceptional actors breathing life into familiar and new characters. The production showcases the collaborative efforts of a world-class creative team, ensuring that Stranger Things: The First Shadow stands as a haunting and unforgettable theatrical event.

Phoenix Theatre
Charing Cross Rd, London WC2H 0JP
Production opens on 14 December, and previews began 17 November. For further ticket information, performance schedule, full creative team and cast biographies, please visit and the official social channels:

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