Vertical Entertainment has announced its acquisition of the North American and UK rights to the upcoming horror-thriller “The Ghost Within,” directed by Lawrence Fowler and produced by Geoff Fowler and Lawrence Fowler. The film is set for release on March 17, 2023, and promises to be a spine-chilling ride for horror fans.

The Ghost Within movie poster showing three characters standing in a misty forest

“The Ghost Within” follows Margot, played by Michaela Longden, a young woman who has suffered from severe memory loss since childhood. She sets out to solve the mystery of her sister Evie’s death, which occurred 20 years ago. Margot’s journey takes her back to her family home, where she starts to encounter terrifying moments with her sister’s ghost. With the help of a paranormal investigator, Margot unravels the events of that fateful night and uncovers the truth about her sister’s death.

The film stars Michaela Longden, Rebecca Phillipson, and Tom Millen. The film is directed by Lawrence Fowler and produced by Geoff Fowler and Lawrence Fowler. Executive producers Glenn Kendrick Ackermann and David Marsh negotiated the deal with Vertical’s SVP of Acquisitions Tony Piantedosi on behalf of Fowler Media.

Tony Piantedosi, Vertical’s SVP of Acquisitions, expressed his excitement about the acquisition of “The Ghost Within,” stating that the film “stays with you long after the credits roll.” Piantedosi praised Lawrence Fowler’s direction, describing the film as “terrifying and atmospheric.” Fowler, in turn, expressed his delight in working with Vertical, describing them as the “perfect partner to bring some ghostly scares to screens across the US.”

In addition to “The Ghost Within,” Fowler Media has also sold the finished film of the third installment of the Jack in the Box franchise at this year’s EFM. The franchise has been wildly successful, and the production of “Jack in the Box 3” is set to start on March 6, 2023.

Horror fans can look forward to the release of “The Ghost Within” on March 17, 2023, which promises to be a thrilling and terrifying experience. Vertical Entertainment’s acquisition of the North American and UK rights is sure to bring some ghostly scares to screens across the US and UK.

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