A woman wakes up alone in a room with no memory of who she is or how she got there. If this sounds derivative, there’s good reason for that: it’s a concept that’s been explored in horror films several times previously, most notably with the Saw franchise. But if you think you’ve seen this before, throw out your preconceived notions about what you’d expect Isolated to be, and just enjoy the ride it takes you on – it’s a wild and unexpected one.

Directed by Tyler Lee Allen, it stars KateLynn E. Newberry as Nell, the aforementioned woman who wakes up to discover she’s being held captive in a room she can’t escape. When a voice breaks the bleak silence, she realizes she’s not alone, as a man who says his name is Travis (Lanny Joon) is also imprisoned in a room beside her. As she struggles to find a way out and piece together not only who she is and how she got there, she must also determine if Travis is trustworthy enough to depend on. 

Saying much more about how the plot of Isolated unravels would be a great disservice to the viewer, as this is a movie to experience with as little information going in as possible. As the story unfolds, you’ll be presented with more questions than answers for a good portion of the film. This is a story where the audience figures out information at the same time that the character does, and it’s evident early on that not everything is as it seems. Even as Nell (with the guidance and support of Travis, whom she can only communicate with through an adjoined vent) uncovers clues to her identity, she spends the majority of the movie frustrated and hitting roadblocks. 

Part of the brilliance of Isolated comes with the breadcrumbs it sprinkles throughout the entire storyline; some of which either won’t make sense, or will seem unbelievable. By the final frames, however, everything gets pulled together so beautifully, it’ll take you several moments to process it all. 

Appearances aren’t always what they seem, and this becomes a common and multi faceted theme for the movie as a whole. This is a deep dive into trust, deception, and how easily we can accept the nature of our surroundings while under duress. When in a stressful situation, it’s easy to pass judgement on our circumstances as impossible to overcome, and in more dire scenarios, as hopeless. The beauty of the human spirit comes when we can pull on our inner strength to attempt to prevail and find a way to rise above all odds. 

Unfortunately, for some, the obstacles may be too heavy, too intense, or too damaging. This is particularly the case when a person is alone, with no one else to lean on. Humans are social creatures, and even the most introverted will crave the companionship of another when the going gets tough. It’s an incredibly vulnerable position to be in to rely on another, but bonds can form even under the most trying of times.

If you’re thinking that a 98 minute film doesn’t have the time to touch on all of these heavy subjects, do yourself a favor and watch Isolated. It’s as emotional as it is gripping, and once the truth of it all comes to light, you’ll be left in a jaw-dropping, speechless state. This is a story that sticks with you, where you’ll be continuing to relive it days later, only to experience the complicated and varied feelings you felt as all was revealed. 

9.5 out of 10

Isolated (2022) Official Trailer
Runtime: 1 Hr. 39 Mins.
Directed By:
Written By:
Michael Ferree


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