The new psychological thriller THE DARK PLACE, directed by Jody Wheeler, will hit the big screen in both New York and Los Angeles in the coming months. The film stars Blaise Godbe Lipman, Timo Descamps, Sean Paul Lockhart, and Eddy Rioseco.

Long estranged from his widowed mother, Keegan Dark (Embry) is blessed with the uncanny ability to remember his life in videographic detail. Returning home with his boyfriend in tow to make amends with his mother, he’s shocked to discover she remarried, and Keegan quickly surmises that his new family isn’t up to any good. When the town’s sheriff targets him as the most likely culprit, Keegan must fight–and use his remarkable mind–to unravel the secrets that threaten to destroy him.

The Dark Place - Trailer

The Dark Place will be in theaters in New York on Oct. 18th-24th and Los Angeles on Nov 9th, 2019.

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