The highly anticipated psychological horror, Listen Carefully, is set to make its North American debut at the renowned Dances With Films festival in Los Angeles on June 22. Directed by Ryan Barton-Grimley, the film delves deep into the unsettling nuances of auditory perception and psychological suspense.

Following the success of his previous film, Hawk and Rev: Vampire Slayers, Barton-Grimley brings his unique vision back to Dances With Films, where he first captivated audiences in 2020. Listen Carefully premiered internationally at Fantaspoa, the International Fantastic Film Festival of Porto Alegre, and has since garnered attention.

LISTEN CAREFULLY (2024) – Official Trailer from RBG Films on Vimeo.

The film stars Ryan Barton-Grimley as Andy McNeary, Simone Barton-Grimley as Abby McNeary, and Ari Schneider as The Voice.  Joining Barton-Grimley are his frequent collaborators, including Audrey Haworth as the production designer, David Rickabaugh as the art director, and Sean Ayers as the cinematographer, each bringing their expertise to craft a visually and emotionally arresting film.

Listen Carefully will screen at Dances With Films festival in Los Angeles on June 22.


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