The found footage horror film McCurdy Point has just released its full trailer following a successful sneak peek at Motor City Nightmares. The film, which documents the harrowing experience of four friends on a celebratory trip to a remote cabin in the deep woods of Maine, is already generating buzz for its unique blend of horror and improvisational comedy.

McCurdy Point is the brainchild of several members of The Groundlings Main Company, known for their comedic chops. Co-writer and co-director Jeremy Brothers shared how the cast’s background in improv comedy played a crucial role in the film’s development. “Almost everyone involved in the production comes from a background of working in improv comedy, which gave us a lot of flexibility in being able to roll with the always-changing circumstances that inevitably happen during production,” said Brothers.

The cast includes familiar faces such as Kiel Kennedy, Ryan Gaul, Laird Macintosh, Patty Guggenheim, Allison Dunbar, Christian Roberts, and Joey Krulock. Gaul, who portrays Sam and also serves as a co-writer, highlighted a key aspect of the film: “One of the recurring elements we saw in a lot of horror films—specifically in found footage—is that so many characters are unlikable. In fact, you kind of can’t wait for some of them to bite it. We’re daring you not to fall in love with some of these characters and performances. We’re hoping people leave the theater feeling like they lost some friends.”

The sneak peek at Motor City Nightmares left audiences eager for more, with one attendee remarking during the Q&A that it was a relief to see the actors alive after witnessing their on-screen demise.

McCurdy Point – Trailer from Canyon Drive Productions on Vimeo.

Co-directed by Jeremy Brothers and Nick Paonessa, and co-written by Brothers, Gaul, and Kiel Kennedy, McCurdy Point is produced by the trio along with Paonessa. The film is executive produced by Chris Gierowski and Matthew Gudernatch. With submissions to numerous festivals worldwide, the filmmakers are gearing up for a full world premiere in the near future.

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