Author Barry Hutchison, known for the JD Kirk crime series, is set to bring a new horror-comedy film titled Midgies to the big screen. The film centers on a swarm of mutant, flesh-eating midges terrorizing the Scottish Highlands.

A brief explanation of what Midgies are here.

What started as a humorous social media post quickly gained traction, evolving into a full-fledged film project. Hutchison teamed up with Glasgow-based director Alessio Avezzano, recognized for his work with brands like Irn Bru and Porsche, as well as the BBC sitcom Isleanders.

The duo produced a three-minute proof-of-concept trailer on a micro-budget, filmed over two days around Glasgow and Loch Lomond. “We were impressed by the talent and commitment of everyone involved,” Hutchison remarked. The team aims to begin full production as early as next summer.

Midgies | Official Teaser Trailer - Scottish Horror Movie

The story follows a mother and her teenage daughter on a road trip through the Highlands that takes a dangerous turn when they encounter the mutant midges. As preparations for full production gear up, the team is actively seeking investment to bring the project to fruition.

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