Sundance Film Festival 2025 – At the beginning of the new movie Together, Millie (Alison Brie) and Tim (Dave Franco) are on the verge of a major life change. Surrounded by their close friends the couple have chosen to make the move from New York City to Tim’s childhood home in the country a few hours away. Neither is convinced of the longevity of their relationship, nor are they motivated enough to face the problem. Still they love each other enough to keep trying. Will this move finally bring them, well, Together? Writer, director Michael Shanks makes his feature film debut with a hilarious, body horror comedy that examines the perils of commitment and what it means to commit fully to another person. The result is a glib, darkly comical, often disturbing joyride about the merging of identity in relationships.

After an awkward moment at the aforementioned party, Millie asks Tim if they really do love each other or if they are just used to one another. Fair question as Tim is far too distracted to engage physically with Millie and the two seem to be growing apart. It doesn’t really help that Millie, the gainfully employed one of the two insists that they move to Tim’s childhood home a few hours away so that she can take a teaching job where she can make a difference. This pulls Tim from his semi-successful pursuit of being a guitarist but he goes along with the idea. The two decide to explore the local woods and, during a rainstorm, they fall into an underground cave. Thanks to a creepy cold open set in the same cave, we know that the couple should stay away from the strange wellspring of water in the far corner of the cave. Tim, in a fit of thirst and manliness drinks from this pool of water, insisting that it is safe. The weather clears and Tim and Millie return to their home with a hilarious story about being flunky spelunkers. Then things start to get weird.

Amidst the growing relationship issues between Tim begins to exhibit an uncontrollable need to be close to Millie. Drifting into trance, he suddenly becomes voraciously obsessed with his girlfriend. This creates a number of problems for Millie, not the least of which are a few near-disasters at her teaching job. Millie confides in fellow teacher Jamie (Damon Herriman) but this only results in more problems. That’s when things get even worse.

With a mix of ghastly body horror and couple commentary, Shanks mines the physical horrors inherent in the merging of identity. This mysterious force that has infected Tim, and soon after Millie, threatens to merge them physically against their will. It’s gross, it’s witty, and it’s overall, a smart horror movie.

Despite a clunky third act reveal, Shanks has crafted an inventive piece of work that entertains. Real-life couple Brie and Franco are brilliant together as the reluctant forever-couple. The two feed off of one another’s comic timing to great effect while twisting the screws on the uncomfortable moments of couples quarreling.

Together blends couple commentary, folk horror, body horror, and comedy in a neat and tidy 96 minutes. It wobbles here and there, but the final frames drop one of the best punchlines to a story in years.

Score 7 0f 10

Rating: R

Runtime: 96

Directed By: Michael Shanks

Written By: Michael Shanks

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