Slamdance 2022 Film Festival – Hannah Saidiner directed and animated My Parent, Neal, a remarkable, moving short about what happens when Mama becomes Papa – when the mother you’ve loved your whole life changes their name, their appearance, and their whole known identity, to live their true identity as a man.

Delicate, childlike crayon illustrations highlight a beautiful conversation between Hannah and her parent, Neal – a transgender man just on the other side of the first steps of his full transition. His name is Neal now – it used to be Nina. He had top surgery, but doesn’t see the need for much else. It’s clear from the photographs shared at the end of the conversations, he has partaken in other affirming therapies. Inside, though, he’s still “Hannah’s mama”, and the beauty of this simple conversation is how gently and sweetly he convinces Hannah of this.

Lighthearted in spite of incredibly difficult subject matter, My Parent, Neal dives into a beautiful father/daughter bond – never mincing words or glossing over any of the gritty details. At the same time it isn’t exploitative, and it doesn’t fetishize the trans experience in any way. Hannah has, understandable, questions for her parent – like, “When did you know?” – but the compassion and empathy both of these extraordinary humans has for each other outshines any clunky or uncomfortable questions – in fact, they’re as comfortable and loving as it is possible to be.

My Parent, Neal made me fall a little bit in love today – with Hannah, with Neal, and with a loving and kind family who found a way to love each other through massive change, growth, loss, and triumph. Congratulations, Neal – welcome to the rest of your life. Hannah, Bravo – you must make them so proud. Thank you, Saidiner/Jacobs family. We all could use a lot more of people, and parents, like you.


9 Out of 10


My Parent, Neal
RATING: UR No Trailer Available
Runtime: 8 Mins.
Directed By: Hannah Saidiner
Written By: Hannah Saidiner


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