New images from Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald provide a glimpse of two magical powerhouses with a shared destiny. In the first photo, a suave Albus Dumbledore (Jude Law) looks pensive sitting in a room at Hogwarts (possibly his classroom), surrounded by some of the magical instruments we see many years later in his Head Master’s office.  In the second, the enigmatic Grindelwald (Johnny Depp) stands resolutely on a city street, while one of his protégé’s, Rosier (Poppy Corby-Tuech), looks on.

The second of this five film franchise will delve into the past relationship of the two wizards as well as outline the evil, twisted path Grindelwald has traveled in the years since. At the end of the first film Grindelwald was arrested in New York, but now he has escaped to continue his schemes to create a world in which wizards rule over muggles. Dumbledore will turn to friend and former student Newt Scamander (Eddie Redmayne) for help in tracking him through Europe.

This film, set for release November 16, 2018, promises to be a darker, grittier movie than the first, as we come face-to-face with The Crimes of Grindelwald.






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