Just in time for the High Holidays, a new comedy-horror short film that explores the unexpected connections between generations has been unleashed onto the YouTube scene. “OMI, the brainchild of actor and filmmaker Adam Lebowitz-Lockard, is poised to both tickle your funny bone and send shivers down your spine.

After making waves at prestigious film festivals like the Miami Jewish Film Festival, San Luis Obispo Jewish Film Festival, and Naples Jewish Film Festival, as well as gracing the historic Chinese Theater screen in Los Angeles, OMI is now available for public streaming on YouTube. The film was acquired by Omeleto, renowned as the “home of the world’s best short films and the next generation of filmmakers,” where it joins an impressive lineup that includes Sundance winners, Oscar-nominated works, and critically acclaimed films spanning every genre.

OMI spins a yarn of Jewish exorcism and generational conflict. The story follows a young secular mensch who’s ready to take the next step in his relationship with his shiksa girlfriend. But things take a bizarre twist when he becomes possessed by the spirit of his departed Yiddish grandma, his beloved Omi, who has her own agenda.

Starring Ashley Eskew (known for her role in “Smash”) and directed and written by Lebowitz-Lockard himself, OMI is a production of OmiKatyMe, a company dedicated to sharing Jewish stories infused with Passion, Joy, and Grace.

Adam Lebowitz-Lockard, the creative mastermind behind OMI, has appeared on both stage and screen in Los Angeles, with notable appearances in “The Shrink Next Door” (Apple TV+), “The Pine Tar Incident” (Fox), and numerous comedy sketches on FunnyOrDie.com. His talents have earned him acclaim, with the LA Times commending his “excellence” and The Hollywood Reporter highlighting his “understated dignity.”

Founded in 2020 by Adam Lebowitz-Lockard and inspired by the generations of remarkable Jewish women who came before him, OmiKatyMe is committed to sharing Jewish stories with Passion, Joy, and Grace. To learn more about “OMI” and OmiKatyMe’s mission, visit omikatyme.com.


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