Our Deadly Vows begins as a seemingly typical drama woven around the lives of close-knit friends, each harboring secrets that possess the power to shatter the delicate balance they’ve established. Once its body count starts going up and those secrets come to light, it turns into a typical slasher which includes the questionable actions of its cast.

To celebrate their one-year anniversary and as a final get-together before leaving the country, Grace and Chance set up a weekend stay with friends and family. But it becomes clear that everyone doesn’t get along and there are deep buried secrets. As the night ticks on, people start to go missing, and it becomes clear that someone is out for blood.

The writing within the narrative exudes a palpable sense of hostility and malice, reaching such a degree that it triggers a lingering question: why did any of these individuals even consent to share the same physical space? The dialogues and interactions seem to be fueled by an undercurrent of resentment and bitterness, leaving the audience to ponder the motivations behind their decision to come together.

One thing I will commend is the acting. Grace (K.D. Chalk) as the author whose being pulled in far too many directions by those around her. She is able to show the strength of someone trying to keep it all together while still being terrified about what’s going on. Then there’s Chance (Chris Chalk) as Graces husband who really only wants the best for her. The rest of the cast are strong in their roles. Even if the characters they play might drive you nuts.

The editing in Our Deadly Vows leaves much to be desired, as it presents a rather jagged and uneven narrative flow. At various instances throughout the movie, the storytelling becomes challenging to follow, and this issue becomes even more pronounced in the latter portion of the film. As a consequence of these erratic editing choices, the overall coherence of the narrative is severely compromised, creating gaps and inconsistencies that detract from the viewer’s understanding and engagement with the story.

Our Deadly Vows is in an odd spot. It tries to showcase our relationships with those around us and how much those could be holding us back because we can’t or won’t move on. But in its effort to sow doubt, its dialog comes off as mean spirited and hostile. It was to the point that I questioned if they were even friends. The strong acting and well-made soundtrack aren’t enough to save it from the erratic and jarring editing that created a viewing experience that left me confused about what was going on. If you are looking for a slasher film that will keep you guessing until the end, you could do worse. Just don’t think too hard about it.

6 out of 10

Our Deadly Vows


Our Deadly Vows (2023) Official Trailer
Runtime: 1 Hr. 26 Mins.
Directed By:
Written By:


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