Time to enter the bunker in Paradise Lost! An alternate reality where World War II never ended, and Poland is now a post-apocalyptic wasteland. The main character is a 12-year-old boy who explores this deserted world and stumbles upon a Nazi bunker. Going forward, he needs to discover the truth about the past while also reshape the future of a new world.

A new gameplay video is coming to the Future Games Show. This showcase will begin on June 13th at 7:00pm ET on the official Gamesradar+ YouTube and Twitch channels.

Along with the gameplay video, an all-new gameplay trailer for Paradise Lost was shown at the Escapist Indie Showcase, which started on June 11th at 12:00pm ET on the official The Escapist YouTube channel. This trailer briefly introduces us to the young protagonist, who is exploring this desolate world as he hears a woman’s voice speaking to him. The voice is unknown to players so far, but we are led to believe she is in need of his assistance with an unmentioned journey. The barren hallways the boy walks are worn down, walls covered with tattered curtains. It shows beautiful scenery, such as a wide open area with a widespread tree growing in the center, and also shows off mechanics like climbing ladders as we hear the boy’s panic surely increasing with as he struggles to catch his breath. A standalone video hasn’t been posted of this trailer alone as of now, so if you want to see it, the timestamp is 26:28 when this trailer begins, but we highly recommend watching the entirety of the showcase to catch all the games!

Paradise Lost is expected to release on PC sometime in 2020, with console releases not yet announced. Are you brave enough to discover the history of the mysterious bunker?

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