Blue Fox Entertainment brings Primal Rage to Cinepocalypse 2017. The film is written alongside Jay Lee and directed by Patrick Magee, a master Creature Creator and Practical FX Artist  (Universal Studios Theme Parks, Men in Black 3, Death Sentence, AVP: Alien VS. Predator, Spiderman, Jurassic Park III, Panic Room).

Lost deep in the forest of the Pacific Northwest, Ashley and Max Carr are stalked by a terrifying creature that might be Bigfoot.  Soon they find themselves embroiled in a strange land of Native American myth and legend turned real.  Hopelessly trying to survive, with a handful of unsavory locals, they must fight back against this monster in a desperate battle of life or death.

Primal Rage stars Andrew Joseph Montgomery, Casey Gagliardi, Eloy Casados, Justin Rain and Marshal Hilton. This suspense-filled film blows the lid off the traditional Bigfoot Mythology. It offers an intelligent, cunning, primitive being, cloaked in ancient Native American mystique. It is a visually inspiring, intense action thriller sure to satisfy Bigfoot aficionados, as well as fans of classic creature films, filmed entirely in the pristine giant redwood forests along the Oregon-California Border.

To get the latest detail on Primal Rage visit their Facebook page.

PRIMAL RAGE - Teaser Trailer
Runtime: 104 Mins.
Directed By:
Patrick Magee, Jay Lee
 Written By:
Patrick Magee

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