The much-anticipated trailer for Rumours has finally arrived, offering audiences a tantalizing glimpse into a film that defies categorization. Set to hit theaters nationwide on October 18, Rumours is a genre-hopping spectacle from visionary directors Guy Maddin, Evan Johnson, and Galen Johnson. Blending elements of comedy, apocalyptic horror, and soap opera drama, the film promises to be a rollercoaster ride through the absurdities of global power and political failure.

Rumours follows the seven leaders of the world’s wealthiest democracies as they gather for the annual G7 summit, aiming to address a looming global crisis. What begins as a high-stakes political meeting quickly descends into chaos as these leaders, portrayed by an exceptional ensemble cast including Cate Blanchett, Alicia Vikander, and Charles Dance, become unwitting participants in a surreal nightmare. Isolated in the eerie, mist-filled woods as night falls, the group faces increasingly bizarre and terrifying challenges, revealing their incompetence in the face of catastrophe.

The film’s star-studded cast delivers performances that teeter between the hilarious and the horrifying. Cate Blanchett shines as the Chancellor of Germany, while Charles Dance commands attention as the President of the United States. The film also features Roy Dupuis, Nikki Amuka-Bird, Takehiro Hira, Denis Ménochet, Rolando Ravello, Zlatko Burić, and Alicia Vikander in pivotal roles.

Rumours | Official Teaser | Bleecker Street
Rumours is the latest offering from the directors known for their daring and unconventional storytelling. With a screenplay by Evan Johnson and a story crafted by all three directors, the film is poised to be a provocative exploration of power, incompetence, and the absurdity of the human condition.

As Rumours prepares for its theatrical release, the newly released trailer has already ignited conversations among film enthusiasts and critics alike, setting the stage for what is sure to be one of the most talked-about films of the year.

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