the-scared-one-posterL’épouvanté or The Scared one, is a beautifully realized, highly accomplished short. Photographed in black and white, the film tells the brief tale of a young boy who has misgivings when his father begins to construct a scarecrow to guard the family field. Ominously facing his window from across the backyard, the figure leers at his window with a dead stare. When night falls we realize what the little guy knew and why he was afraid. Creaking and clattering with the sound of sinuous branches the scarecrow makes a hair raising night time visit leaving the young boy scrambling for safety.

However it is the deft touch of writer director duo Romain and Thibault Lafargue that makes what could be a simple story and turns it into a textured ghost yarn. The Scared One is remarkable, featuring crisp, impeccable production values and beautiful restraint. The sumptuous photography paints a classic, stark atmosphere setting the perfect tone where shadows threaten. The textured and highly detailed sound design catches every creak of the planks of an old wooden floor and the rapping of branches on the windows.


Seek out The Scared One,  L’épouvanté at horror film festivals. You can also keep up with their current news and screenings by following keeping up with their Facebook page. We at HorrorBuzz HIGHLY recommend it.


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