If you have watched the entire Troma catalogue and want something new that is just as low-budget, sophomoric, DIY, and with all the casual racism and literal toilet humor a body could want, Sewer Gators is the answer to your wishes. In its defense, Sewer Gators promises nothing except what a no budget film called Sewer Gators can deliver. The film (and its makers) know what it is, does not take itself seriously, and asks no one else to either. It is pure immature, unsophisticated, puerile ā€œfun.ā€ If you like that kind of thing, this is a fun film. If you do not, well, you have now been warned.

It is the 50th Annual Thibodeaux Gator Festival in Thibodeaux, Louisiana, and the town has a problem. It may need to cancel the festival because gators are emerging from toilets and eating people. At times the film aspires to be a Jaws parody, down to the recreation of specific moments from that film, just with rubber alligators. Indeed, the entire vibe is the old Saturday Night Live ā€œLand Sharkā€ sketch expanded out to over an hour but with a smaller budget. Seemingly filmed entirely in someoneā€™s house (except for the exterior shots), the most amusing moments are early on (ā€œYou know I canā€™t go to Ikea ā€“ my favorite color is taupe!ā€ had me laughing out loud), but the film drags on despite the brief run time.

The last ten minutes of the film are the credits. They scroll very slowly while the title theme plays and then director Paul Dale, in character as radio personality Tommy Thibodeaux, AKA ā€œBinkie in the Morning,ā€ riffs on the conspiracy theory that alligators are in the treatment plants, followed by bloopers and fake credits. It pads the movie out to just past an hour. And they admit it. The credit for Hair and Makeup is ā€œWe had to get it over an hour, so I made up credits.ā€ I appreciate the meta and the honesty, and it serves as one final reminder – this is a horror comedy for the low brow lover.

A labor of love? Sure. Sub-community theatre performances? Yup. CG worthy of a seventh grade computer class? Of course. But as noted above, the filmmakers know that going in. And the viewer should, too. Sewer Gators is what it is, no apologies, so enjoy it if you can.

2 out of 10

Sewer Gators
Sewer Gators Official Movie Trailer
Runtime: 1 Hr. 2 Mins.
Directed By:
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