This Friday, the chilling survival thriller HUNTER HUNTER arrives in Select Theaters, Digital and On Demand. Writer, director Shawn Linden delivers a film that follows Joseph (Devon Sawa), his wife Anne (Camille Sullivan) and daughter Renee (Summer H. Howell) dutifully learn how to live and survive in the harsh environment as fur trappers. Their tranquility is threatened when they think they are being hunted by the return of a rogue wolf, and Joseph leaves them behind to track it.

In her review, critic Adrienne Reese said, “Hunter Hunter (2020) was a wonderfully structured mystery, a thrilling, woodland whodunnit where I didn’t quite know who to point the finger at due to the many possibilities that were cleverly written into the script.” Today we talk with writer, director Shawn Linden about his new film arriving on Friday, what inspired it, and how difficult it is when nature is one of the main characters of your film.

Writer/Director Shawn Linden Talks HUNTER, HUNTER

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