We just got the trailer for a new film from executive producer Jeffrey Reddick (Final Destination) called The Night Sitter, and we are totally sold. The setup? Scheming babysitter attempts to steal from a renowned occult expert and gets a hell of a lot more than she bargained for in a fight to survive the forces she unwittingly unleashes.
First off we have Jeffrey Reddick, the mind behind the Final Destination movies. Then you have Elyse DuFour from The Walking Dead. After that you get Jack Champion who is currently working in the Avatar Sequels. Add to that the lush colors of an Argento death scene and the synth glory of a retro slasher movie and we get the promise of a maniacally fun horror flick.
Just do yourself the favor and watch the trailer. This thing looks fun.
Synopsis: A scheming con artist (Elyse DuFour, AMC’s The Walking Dead) poses as innocent babysitter “Amber” to steal from Ted Hooper, a wealthy occult enthusiast with a reclusive son named Kevin. Her crew arrives to clean out the house just as Kevin stumbles upon one of his father’s most prized artifacts and unwittingly summons a trio of witches known as The Three Mothers. As the playful, sadistic witches start picking people off, Amber and Kevin form an unlikely bond and try to survive the night together.
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