Storm King Comics, the publishing house behind John Carpenter’s Tales of Science Fiction, has announced the debut of PAUSE, a six-issue series exploring a mysterious global freeze in time. Written by Matthew K. Manning (The Batman Files, Marvel Action: Avengers) and illustrated by Conor Boyle (Judge Dredd, Black Sight), the series kicks off on February 26, 2025, with new issues releasing monthly through July.

The story centers on Henry Jacobs, a Brooklyn man caught in an extraordinary event: the world stops entirely, leaving him the sole person unaffected. With time frozen, Henry embarks on a journey to understand the phenomenon and navigate its moral complexities, including the power to unfreeze individuals at will.

Sandy King, editor and founder of Storm King Comics, describes PAUSE as a sci-fi thriller designed for suspenseful, serialized storytelling. “Matthew and Conor bring a cinematic feel to this series, making it ideal for single-issue releases,” King said.

PAUSE invites readers to consider what they would do in a world where time is halted for everyone else. Would they seize the opportunity for personal gain or work to uncover deeper truths?

This new installment marks the 12th story in the Tales of Science Fiction anthology, continuing the imprint’s legacy of exploring the unknown.

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