Blood Hunters, directed by Tricia Lee and starring Lara Gilchrist (Battlestar Galactica), Benjamin Arthur (Less Than Kind), Torri Higginson (Stargate: Atlantis), Mark Taylor (Flashpoint), Julian Richings (Orphan Black), and Peter Blankenstein (The Human Centipede Series).
Blood Hunters tells the story of a single mother who wakes up in the basement of a medical facility only to discover that everyone around her is dead and she is somehow nine months pregnant. As she struggles to escape, she encounters other survivors, each with their own secret. Together they must unlock the mysteries of the facility which will take them to the brink of death and beyond.
The film has been making its way around the festival circuit, winning an Audience Choice Award at the Fright Night Theatre Film Festival as well as being selected for Frontieres Goes To Cannes – Cannes Marche Screening and Horror Channel FrightFest London. The visually-striking trailer is provided below, and if you happen to find yourself in Canada, it will be screening at the Carlton Cinema in Toronto, Ontario on July 7th-13th and as part of the DedFemme Screening Series at the Metro Cinema in Edmonton, Alberta on July 7th. If you’d rather remain stateside, Blood Hunters will be available on DVD, VOD, and all digital platforms in both Canada and the US on July 4th.
Blood Hunters | ||
RATING: | UR | Blood Hunters Trailer |
Runtime: | 1hr. 30Mins. | |
Directed By: | Tricia Lee | |
Written By: | Corey Brown | |