January 30, 2022
I wasn't allowed to watch scary stuff as a kid. My mum, bless her ever-loving heart, knew all too well the sort of kid I was; mainly quiet and shy, always reading, prone to overthinking and worrying (some things never change), and with the sort of imagination that would turn the watching of one scary [...]
January 23, 2022
Remy Cashman
I’ll attempt to say this without sounding masochistic: I’ve always been a sucker for punishment (not in a self-flagellating way) so pinpointing my Horrific Origin is up for debate. Since childhood I would go out of my way to find the weirdest, craziest movies and shows I could find. Now as an adult, that has [...]
January 17, 2022
Adem Cohen
On a Sunday in December 1996 somewhere around central Long Island, NY a ten year old is dragged to Scream and becomes a lifelong horror fan. Thanks for that, Mom! Before diving into that December of the mid '90s let me take a moment to point you towards the brief Scream 5 coverage near the [...]
January 9, 2022
Scix Maddix
I grew up under another name in a pine forest in Maine (“about 40 minutes from Stephen King,” when people inevitably ask). Dark, resinous wilderness was the playground of my Horrific Origin. It was a small town where no one had any secrets for long, and stories got wilder and darker with each retelling. It [...]
January 2, 2022
Max Matta
People's passions are something that are so unique to each individual and so fascinating to trace back especially when they have surprising origins. For some, it is something that caught their attention from a young age whether it was art or space, and these are passions fostered through years of love. Others have an experience [...]
December 19, 2021
Chris Majtenyi
For many, there's that one film introducing them to the horror genre which decisively determines whether or not you have a propensity to face fear--a Horrific Origin. One is either repulsed or persuaded by it. A very special film planted that pumpkin seed for me. In 1993, Tim Burton's A Nightmare Before Christmas (the first [...]
December 12, 2021
Elaine L. Davis
I'm pretty sure I've had anxiety for the majority of my life. You wouldn't think that would lead to a fascination with the horror genre, but as this is all about my Horrific Origin, here I am. It's like one of my cousins says: "I like to watch horror movies when I feel bad. They [...]
HORRIFIC ORIGIN: A Haven For The Outsiders
HORRIFIC ORIGIN: Jaws, Thriller, & A Disney Nasty
HORRIFIC ORIGIN: Killer Klowns Killed It
HORRIFIC ORIGIN: A Scream Hello & Scream 5 Addendum!
HORRIFIC ORIGIN: A Journey Through Horrors
HORRIFIC ORIGIN: From Chilled To Thrilled
HORRIFIC ORIGIN: A Wonderfully Timeless Nightmare
HORRIFIC ORIGIN: The Girl Scout And The Bloody Bones
HORRIFIC ORIGIN: A Haven For The Outsiders
HORRIFIC ORIGIN: Jaws, Thriller, & A Disney Nasty
HORRIFIC ORIGIN: Killer Klowns Killed It
HORRIFIC ORIGIN: A Scream Hello & Scream 5 Addendum!
HORRIFIC ORIGIN: A Journey Through Horrors
HORRIFIC ORIGIN: From Chilled To Thrilled
HORRIFIC ORIGIN: A Wonderfully Timeless Nightmare
HORRIFIC ORIGIN: The Girl Scout And The Bloody Bones
HORRIFIC ORIGIN: A Haven For The Outsiders
HORRIFIC ORIGIN: Jaws, Thriller, & A Disney Nasty
HORRIFIC ORIGIN: Killer Klowns Killed It
HORRIFIC ORIGIN: A Scream Hello & Scream 5 Addendum!
HORRIFIC ORIGIN: A Journey Through Horrors
HORRIFIC ORIGIN: From Chilled To Thrilled
HORRIFIC ORIGIN: A Wonderfully Timeless Nightmare
HORRIFIC ORIGIN: The Girl Scout And The Bloody Bones