March 11, 2020
Kyle Holl
Family Tree is a relatively new series by Jeff Lemire which explores an agricultural apocalypse through the eyes of a modern family in small-town America. Issue 1 is primarily about establishing characters and the very early beginnings of the conflict-- there's not a whole lot happening in this first book, but the slower pacing is great [...]
March 3, 2020
Kyle Holl
The first issue of Family Tree gave us a family drama with relatable characters which focused mainly on those characters' interactions with each other. Family Tree #2 takes a much different approach-- the bulk of the second issue is a flashback to a motel gunfight, and while the book still maintains a few of those great characters moments from [...]
FAMILY TREE #3 Gets Back to What Makes the Series Promising
FAMILY TREE #1 Starts the Series on a High Note
FAMILY TREE #2 Provides Only Vague Backstory