Seth Rogen, known for his comedic roles in movies like “Knocked Up” and “This is the End,” is taking on a new project with the help of Paramount Pictures and Nickelodeon Movies. “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” is set to return to the big screen with a fresh spin on the classic tale of the four turtle brothers who were mutated and raised in the sewers of New York City.
Directed by Jeff Rowe and co-directed by Kyler Spears, the movie will follow the turtles as they leave their hidden home and try to assimilate into human society. Along with their friend April O’Neil, the turtles take on a crime syndicate, but their mission becomes more dangerous when they must face an army of mutants.
This new take on the “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” franchise promises to bring humor and heart to the story while still delivering the action-packed adventure that fans of the turtles have come to expect. With Rogen’s reputation for comedy and the talented directing team behind the project, audiences can expect a fun and exciting movie that pays homage to the original characters while still offering something new.