Terrifier 2 brings more of what you either loved or hated from the original film. There are even more killings, more practical effects, more ancillary plots, a handful of dream sequences, and gobs more Art the Clown (David Howard Thornton). In fact, this sequel is almost an hour longer than the original, clocking in at 2 hours and 18 minutes. Mae West was once quoted as saying, “Too much of a good thing can be wonderful!”. Here it depends entirely on how you felt about the first Terrifier. Personally, I found the original to be a glorious homage to blood-soaked slashers from the ’80s that pretty much made no sense. If that is how YOU felt, then Terrifier 2 will be an extended return to the sanguinary chaos of the original paired with a nasty sense of humor. Otherwise, well…
Terrifier 2 picks up moments after the original ends. Art the Clown somehow wakes up at the coroner’s and begins to attack again. This is truly a marvelously gag-inducing opening with Art taking things to the next level. Obviously, his pristine black and white outfit is drenched in blood. So Art heads to the Laundromat and strips naked in order to wash his outfit. Here he slips into a fugue state and visualizes an impish female version of himself (Georgia MacPhail). The two hit it off and leave after the laundry is done and they have murdered another patron. We pick up a year later when our heroine Sienna (Lauren LaVera) meticulously prepares her costume for Halloween. Meanwhile, her plucky younger brother Jonathan (Elliott Fullam) wants to dress up as town boogeyman Art The Clown and is repeatedly shot down.
As Halloween and all of the festivities surrounding it approaches, we learn about the death of Sienna and Jonathan’s dad who left behind a mysterious sketchbook filled with depictions of Art the Clown. We learn about how Sienna’s friends repeatedly try to get her to loosen up and have a good time. We even learn about the endearing support that Sienna and her younger brother offer each other.
Then Halloween arrives. So does Art the Clown. Mirroring the hilariously uncomfortable moments of the first film, Sienna runs into Art at a Costume shop. From there we know what will happen. Everyone around her is picked off until she is the last one standing. Except this go around, each victim gets the same buildup and payoff. There were moments in Terrifier 2 that made me literally look away or close my eyes.
Writer, and director Damien Leone has taken the beloved anarchist Art the Clown and created a greater mythos to inhabit. While the first film was a lean and nasty showcase of slasher absurdity and practical effects, Terrifier 2 doubles down to give fans more than they could have wished for. This is a sequel that leans hard on fan service to thank the weirdoes that championed the first film. Does it make Terrifier 2 good? No. Regardless, is Terrifier 2 good? Yes. Still, I would say that indulgence only works to undermine what we fell in love with the first time around. Terrifier 2 is a respectable sequel with clear gratitude for its fanbase. What I am saying is, I would like more, please. Just in smaller bites.
 7 Out Of 10
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Terrifier 2 | Official Trailer
Runtime: | 2 Hr. 18 Mins. | |
Directed By: | ||
Written By: |
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