A modern-Western thriller set in the bleak winter landscape of the Mountain West, God’s Country stars Newton as a college professor living on her own at the edge of the national forest. One day she confronts two hunters trespassing on her land, triggering a battle of wills with dangerous ramifications.

Originally written with a male lead, screenwriter Shaye Ogbonna adapted the script with director Julian Higgins’ debut feature from the short story “Winter Light” by James Lee Burke. Burke is The New York Times bestselling author of the Dave Robicheaux detective series and numerous other novels. He has received two Edgar Awards and the Grand Master Award from the Mystery Writers of America, as well as a Guggenheim Fellowship for Creative Arts in Fiction and a nomination for the Pulitzer Prize. Burke’s fortieth novel will be released this year.

“Julian and Shaye’s radical new take on James Lee Burke’s story is a nuanced response to the times in which we live,” said Bailey. “We are thrilled to be working on this powerful film that puts Thandie’s remarkable acting talent front and center.” Being fans of Thandie’s work from Beloved to Westworld, we can only imagine what she will bring to the film.

Please can we have this movie now?

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