The warden of The 17th Door Perpetuum Penitentiary has released a promotional video for their upcoming haunt and it’s required viewing for all inmates.

Now that, ladies and gentlemen, is how you promote a haunt. The lighting, the cinematography, the sound design and shallow depth of field, you could be forgiven for mistaking this for a film trailer at first. It would seem Paula was unsuccessful in escaping Perpetuum and she finds herself in front of a prison counselor who chastises her for her lack of rehabilitation and failing to take responsibility for the death of her son, who she smothered to death at the end of 2016’s haunt, leading to her first year locked up in 2017. This new experience seems to revolve around her relationship with her new therapy doll, Lincoln. We then cut to video of the haunt proper where guests are shown having bags placed over their heads and generally getting very freaked out. New rooms are announced, though no specific amount is mentioned.

We get to see a bit of video from guests experiencing the new VR experience, Vixi Ward, which is described on their website as an experimental treatment for unruly inmates, a machine that interfaced with the brain but was shut down for “excessive casualties.” Unfortunately for guests this Halloween season, the project continued in secret and they are about to become its next victims in an experience that looks to be even more intense than what we saw last year. We also get a few quick glances at a row of automatic rifles in a row that I can only assume factor into one of the new rooms. This is a haunt that has continued to surprise us since its inception in 2015 and we can’t wait to see what devious new punishments they have prepared for us this year.

Tickets for The 17th Door: Crybaby are available right now at Paula’s tragic tale continues on select nights starting on the 21st and running through Halloween.

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