The Alien Perspective, a thought-provoking UFO documentary written and directed by award-winning filmmaker Dean Alioto, will release digitally worldwide on January 8th. This film challenges conventional understandings of extraterrestrial phenomena by shifting the narrative from humanity’s perspective to the perspective of the visitors themselves.
Seven years in the making, The Alien Perspective combines compelling UFO evidence with insights from globally recognized experts across diverse disciplines. The film features exclusive interviews with astrophysicist Michio Kaku, actor and UFO researcher Dave Foley, investigative journalist Leslie Kean, NASA Deputy Scientist Elisa Quintana, philosopher Dr. Nick Bostrom, and many others, including retired military personnel and renowned ufologists.
Adding to its visual storytelling is world-class animation by Arvid Steen, known for his work on the Academy Award-winning Searching for Sugar Man. This documentary marks the first installment of a two-part series, aiming to explore the motivations and behaviors of extraterrestrial visitors and their potential impact on humanity.
Dean Alioto brings a unique lens to the subject as a pioneer in UFO and paranormal filmmaking. With acclaimed projects for A+E, Bravo, and Discovery under his belt, Alioto has a reputation for pushing boundaries in the genre. He is also recognized for his role in shaping found-footage storytelling with The McPherson Tape.
The film will be available for digital viewing starting January 8th, promising an engaging experience for anyone interested in exploring the unknown.