Patrick Donnelly’s latest film, The Alien Report, a unique indie venture in the realm of science fiction and horror, has officially landed on Video on Demand, thanks to the emerging distributor Earth’s Dreamland. This groundbreaking film offers viewers a haunting glimpse into what a real-life alien abduction might entail through the eyes of “The Abductee,” portrayed by Braxton Hale.

Shot innovatively using iPhone and GoPro cameras, The Alien Report presents a non-traditional narrative crafted from reassembled found footage. The film uniquely blends sci-fi thrills with the authenticity of a first-person documentary, placing audiences directly in the shoes of someone experiencing otherworldly terror. Viewers find themselves alongside Hale’s character as he navigates a nightmarish scenario involving not only the notorious grey aliens but also eerie human-ET hybrids and the mysterious Men in Black.

The film draws heavily from the eerie and unsettling tales of countless real-life abductees. The film has already made its mark globally, receiving accolades at film festivals across the U.S., UK, Australia, and Brazil.

The Alien Report is the ambitious first chapter of a planned trilogy exploring the chilling phenomena of extraterrestrial abductions. With a cast including Emily Brammer, Aldo Reyes, Koltyn Watts, and Whitney Masters, and under the production guidance of Kevin Schroeder and Michael Sell, the film is available on VOD  from Earth’s Dreamland.

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