Patrick Donnelly’s latest film, The Alien Report, a unique indie venture in the realm of science fiction and horror, has officially landed on Video on Demand, thanks to the emerging distributor Earth’s Dreamland. This groundbreaking film offers viewers a haunting glimpse into what a real-life alien abduction might entail through the eyes of “The Abductee,” portrayed by Braxton Hale.
Shot innovatively using iPhone and GoPro cameras, The Alien Report presents a non-traditional narrative crafted from reassembled found footage. The film uniquely blends sci-fi thrills with the authenticity of a first-person documentary, placing audiences directly in the shoes of someone experiencing otherworldly terror. Viewers find themselves alongside Hale’s character as he navigates a nightmarish scenario involving not only the notorious grey aliens but also eerie human-ET hybrids and the mysterious Men in Black.
The film draws heavily from the eerie and unsettling tales of countless real-life abductees. The film has already made its mark globally, receiving accolades at film festivals across the U.S., UK, Australia, and Brazil.