John Carpenter Presents Storm Kids expands its catalog this February with The Ghost Whiskerers, a new middle-grade graphic novel exploring the supernatural bond between cats and the spirit world. Written and illustrated by Thomas F. Zahler, the story centers on Daniel, a young boy who moves to an aging Tacoma house with his parents and two cats, Mal and Halloween. Daniel struggles to settle into his new environment until he uncovers a surprising truth: his home serves as a gateway to the afterlife, and his feline companions are tasked with guiding wandering spirits.
Released by Storm King Comics, The Ghost Whiskerers aims to engage readers ages 8 and up with a blend of mystery, colorful artwork, and an emotionally resonant storyline. Storm King Comics founder and editor Sandy King describes the project as “a big-hearted and entertaining story,” highlighting the unique blend of warmth and mystery that Zahler’s work brings to the imprint.
Fans can find The Ghost Whiskerers in comic book stores and the direct market starting February 5, 2025, and at major book retailers and online on February 18, 2025.