The Halogen Company impressed me last year with their debut ONE EXIT, and then showed me a great time during the holidays with their party for YULE. Now, they are starting 2020 strong with a year-long immersive experience that is inspired by how we determine our choices in life in A SEA OF ODDS.

A SEA OF ODDS will have you put your detective skills to the test. Lifelong criminal Otis Everett has escaped from jail. Accused of murder and on the run, it’s up to you to hunt him down. Do you have what it takes to put the pieces together? This site specific immersive will take you around Los Angeles, learning about the man called Otis.

ā€œPart One: The Pursuitā€ begins March 30th, but overall this will be a year-long immersive and interactive event.

You must be available the following dates for in person, site specific installments: May 13th between the hours of 10am-10pm at your convenience, May 27th or May 28th between the hours of 5pm-Midnight, May 30th at 3pm, October 16th or 17th 5pm-Midnight or 18th 1pm-5:30pm, & November 13th or 14th 7PM-9PM, or 15th 4pm-6pm.

After you have purchased a ticket you will be sent a form to select your dates/time slots.
Tickets are now on sale for $200 and available at:

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