XYZ Films is excited to announce the release of Shal Ngo’s highly anticipated dystopian thriller The Park on North American VOD on March 2nd. The film is set in a world without adults where society is governed by children who are fighting for control of an abandoned theme park. The Park is a dark and thrilling journey into a dystopian world where danger is around every corner, and children must do whatever it takes to survive.


The Park stars an amazing ensemble of young talent, including Chloe Guidry, Nhedrick Jabier, and Carmina Garay, who deliver powerful performances in this story of apocalyptic adventure and survival. The film is executive produced by Ryan Chanatry, Nick Borenstein, and Matt Miller and produced by Natalie Metzger.

James Emanuel Shapiro, XYZ Films’ Executive Vice President of U.S. Distribution, described the film as “one of the most provocative genre movies” he has seen in a long time. He also added that “Shal’s debut is one that makes one take immediate notice. You have to see this movie!”

The Park is a film that explores the depths of human survival in a world where all adults are gone, and children are forced to rule. This is a must-see movie for fans of dystopian thrillers and apocalyptic adventures.

Fans can catch The Park on North American VOD on March 2nd. Get ready for a thrilling and dark journey through a world unlike any you have seen before. Don’t miss the opportunity to see this movie that promises to be one of the most provocative genre films of the year.

The Park - Movie Trailer (2023)

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