XYZ Films has unveiled the trailer and poster for their upcoming horror/thriller The Resurrection of Charles Manson, directed by Remy Grillo and starring Frank Grillo. The film, written by Josh Plasse and Brev Moss, will be released domestically on March 16, 2023.
Synopsis: The Resurrection of Charles Manson follows a young couple who rent an Airbnb in the desert to create an audition tape for an upcoming Charles Manson film. However, their filming is interrupted by a sinister figure, an occult leader played by Frank Grillo, who ensnares them in his web of twisted beliefs.
Production Details
The film was produced in partnership with Mi Nene by Dare Angel, with Conor Allyn, Shakira Barrera, Johnny James Fiore, Benjamin Anderson, Jake Allyn, and Fabio Lo Fria also producing. Nidal Kahl, Bobby McMichael, Chido Nwokocha, and Dennis Echelberger served as executive producers. XYZ Films acquired all North American rights to the film, with Voltage Pictures handling international distribution.
Director’s Vision
Director Remy Grillo spoke about his motivation for making the film, stating that while Charles Manson is a cultural icon, he wanted to explore where the children of Manson’s followers stand in modern society. He believes there is a dangerous relevance between Manson’s ideology and today’s political and social climate, and wanted to resurrect that conversation.
XYZ Films’ Recent Successes
XYZ Films has had a successful run of releases during the COVID pandemic, with six films reaching #1 on Netflix and several others reaching #1 on TVOD charts. Some of their current projects include “The Winter Kills” with Kiefer Sutherland, “Seven Veils” starring Amanda Seyfried and directed by Atom Egoyan, and “BlackBerry” from director Matt Johnson, which will premiere in competition at Berlinale.