The highly anticipated mystery thriller The Sand Castle makes its exclusive debut on Netflix this Friday, January 24. Directed by Emmy-nominated filmmaker Matty Brown, this film follows Yasmine (Nadine Labaki) and her husband Nabil (Ziad Bakri) as they find themselves stranded on a seemingly tranquil island with their children, Adam (Zain Al Rafeea) and Jana (Riman Al Rafeea).
With no way to call for help, the family’s hopes of escaping grow dim. Tensions rise as Yasmine and Nabil struggle to conceal a looming secret from their youngest daughter, Jana. The story intensifies as hidden truths emerge, testing the family’s unity and raising questions about survival and loyalty.
THE SAND CASTLE (2025) | HD Trailer | Survival Thriller with Nadine Labaki, Ziad Bakri | NETFLIX