It’s Comic-Con weekend, so there is a ton of news coming out for us horror fans.

For example, during The Walking Dead panel, they showed this trailer for the upcoming 6th season of the hit show.

Comic Con Trailer: The Walking Dead: Season 6

The show has always been hit or miss for me, with some episodes being infuriating, and others being fantastic. Lately, it’s been more of the later, and I’m curious to see where this year goes. Things are clearly about to change in Alexandria, again.

Much like last year, this preview is likely for only the first half of the season. Fans of the comic can still hold out hope that Negan might make an appearance in 2016…

In addition, they finally released a real trailer for the spin-off show, Fear The Walking Dead.

Official Comic Con Trailer: Fear The Walking Dead: World Premiere

I’m still up in the air about this one. Sure, it’ll be great to jump back a bit and see the world just as the outbreak happens. But on the other hand, did we really need another show? that said, this trailer eased my fears a little, so I’ll definitely be tuning in.

Fear The Walking Dead shambles its way to our screens this August, while The Walking Dead proper rises again in October.

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One Comment

  1. A Brooks July 15, 2015 at 6:32 pm

    Overall I am excited to see The Walking Dead come back for another season. I do agree with you that it has been a hit and miss. for example when they killed Hershel I swore I would Never watch again…. but I went back. I guess I have a weakness for zombies. I had the same problem when I attended Universal Studios HHN I just loved the zombies who roamed the park.

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