As a creature feature, They Crawl Beneath is pretty standard. The creatures themselves look similar to those found in the first Tremors. However, the use of practical effects for the monsters is commendable, even if it’s mostly just a rubber glove. It still looks better than the questionable CGI that is thankfully used sparingly. The storyline is also pretty predictable, but that’s to be expected from this genre. Overall, They Crawl Beneath is a watchable movie, but it’s not particularly memorable.

Local cop Danny is staying with his less than popular uncle while going through a rough patch with his significant other. A small earthquake rocks the southern California area causing small fissures in the ground and out crawl grub like creatures. While working in the garage, a stronger quake traps Danny while also taking out the uncle. This turns into a fight for survival as the creatures are even bigger and more deadly than first thought.

Acting is important in any film, but it is not the only factor that determines a movie’s success. The script is also crucial, and a poorly written one can sabotage even the best actors. This seems to be the case with They Crawl Beneath. The dialog is full of cliches and poor choices, which make it hard for the actors to deliver their lines convincingly. As a result, the film suffers from wooden performances and stilted conversations. Danny (Joseph Almani) is serviceable as the leading man; I just wish he was given stronger material to work with.

The garage is a central location in the film. The majority of the film’s scenes take place here. While a single location can be a good thing, it requires work to make it interesting. In this case, the dark and gloomy atmosphere of the garage does little to add tension. You’ll spend more time trying to figure out what’s going on than caring about what happens. The audio isn’t much better than the lighting. Sometimes it’s so quiet, you’ll be straining to hear what’s being said.

They Crawl Beneath sets out to be a late 80s early 90s monster type horror film. And for better or worse, it succeeds. However, the writing is not great, and the overall plot is not particularly original. If you’re a fan of this type of movie, then you’ll likely enjoy They Crawl Beneath. But, if you’re looking for something new or innovative, you’ll probably be disappointed. If, perhaps, it was given a bit more time and the script had a second or third pass, it could have been a thoroughly enjoyable 90 minutes. However, as it stands, the film feels rushed and incomplete. The plot jumps from one scene to the next without any real connective tissue. And the characters are thinly drawn and forgettable. It’s a shame, because there are some good ideas here that just don’t get the chance to breathe. With some more development, this could have been a much better movie. As it is, it’s still watchable but ultimately forgettable.

6 out of 10

They Crawl Beneath
THEY CRAWL BENEATH Official Trailer (2022) Sci-Fi Creature Feature

Runtime: 1 Hr. 27 Mins.
Directed By:
Written By:

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