Today we share another morsel of creepy yuletide goodness. As part of the 25 Days of Christmas Horror.

To All a Good Night

A sorority Christmas. What could possibly be better? Why, a serial killer of course! The film begins with an accidental death during a rush prank, then immediately cuts to a synth-heavy score and credits. We next meet a group of “teens” (older 20-somethings very poorly attempting to portray teens) are a skeleton crew of students at a finishing school over Christmas break. After slipping their den mother sleeping pills they conspire to spend time with visiting boyfriends. As the movie goes on the characters are killed in all manner of ways including axe, double axe, and crossbow. The bad news is that this film is a r

 To All a Good Night
To All a Good Night (1980)
Runtime: 1hr. 30Mins.
Directed By:
 Written By:



And guess what?  As part of the 25 Days of Christmas Horror, we are giving away a DVD of All Through The House signed by both writer director Todd Nunes and scream queen Jessica Cameron!

Visit us in Instagram and comment to caption the still from ALL THROUGH THE HOUSE featured below. We will select our favorite caption and announce the winner on December 25th!


Each day leading up to December 25 we will be offering you at least one blood curdling suggestion for festive horror fun.  Sometimes it will be a spooky little short, other times it will be viewing suggestions, and if you are good little monsters you may even have the chance to win Santa’s fabulous booty with fun giveaways!un giveaways!

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