We have the first trailer from IFC Midnight’s PLEDGE. The movie, directed by Daniel Robbins, and written by and starring Zack Weiner, follows three college friends who are so desperate to join a fraternity that they will do anything to get into one. Unfortunately for them, the only one that wants them has a pretty harsh initiation. Check out the trailer below.

Synopsis: A group of college freshmen pledge an exclusive fraternity but soon realize there’s more at stake than they could have ever imagined.

Pledge InternetTrailer Stereo 2398 IFC H264

From what we can see from the trailer this looks like a fun time indeed. Three likable schmo’s get invited to a party where they are clearly out of place, and they get lured into a dark as hell fraternity. We can’t wait to see what the movie has in store for us.

CAST: Zachery Byrd, Aaron Dalla Villa, Zachary Weiner, Phillip Andre Botello, Cameron Cowperthwaite, Jesse Pimentel, Joe Gallagher, and Erica Boozer
DIRECTOR: Daniel Robbins
WRITTEN BY: Zachary Weiner
PRODUCED BY: Mark Rapaport
EXECUTIVE PRODUCED BY: JD Lifshitz and Raphael Margules

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