A Tricky Treat from director Patricia Chica and written by Kamal John Iskander is going to be available until November 1st and would make a great little addition to any Halloween movie night. This story of a unique Halloween tradition is stupid, gory, and a ton of fun, and is certainly worth your 3 minutes.  A Tricky Treat takes a sharp left turn at the beginning of its lean 3 minute running time and never looks back.  Not for the squeamish, this short film takes pleasure in being gleefully disgusting.  Close-up shots of gore, brains squishing through fingers, eyeballs being worked out of sockets, this is some ghoulish stuff.  The humor comes in the delivery.  Like a well-told joke, the film plays out at a brisk pace and a clever slight of hand.

This fiendish little jaunt is now available for viewing on YouTube through Halloween. Check it out below before it crawls back into its grave.


[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uypLno7CTIw[/embedyt]

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