Next time you choose to leave your shopping cart anywhere after using it instead of putting it in its allotted space, think again. Trollied is a short film that gives a mortal lesson for those who like to disobey the rules.

In short, a man gets to his car after doing some shopping and throws the cart he used to do his shopping into a bush. Unfortunately for him, the shopping cart is not grateful for this and decides to take revenge for his lack of social etiquette.

Trollied is just weird but entertaining— absurd and funny, at the same time. There is no explanation for why the cart is possessed, but it helps a lot to leave a void of reasons why it has a life of its own to give the viewer some blanks to fill. It works as an allegory towards people who, due to their own laziness and apathy, prefer not to put things in their place to end up altering the order of things and the harmony of other customers around the store, and it’s somehow relatable— who hasn’t suddenly found a shopping cart behind their vehicle, thus preventing them from exiting the parking lot or even close to the driver seat’s door to get into their car?

Trollied does a lot with a little, and might leave you thinking twice about your actions before taking them. With a macabre, bloody and funny conclusion, it can be said that it fulfills its purpose.




Runtime: 5 Mins.
Directed By:
Written By:

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