We are now in the back half of the season which means there are only now 8 episodes to go after this one! For this week, I am hoping we spend some time in Twin Peaks and get back to those story lines. Also, where is Audrey? And where is Bid Ed? These two characters have yet to make an appearance. I do like Dougie and that story line, and love Janey-E, however would like to see some old-fashioned Coop before this season is over.
Twin Peaks: The Return Part 10
Richard Horne (Eamon Farren) arrives at the isolated trailer home of teacher Miriam Sullivan (Sarah Jean Long), the only witness that can identify him as the man that ran over the young boy in episode 6. As he stands outside, Miriam shouts out to him that she’s already told the policed that it was him. Additionally she’s sent a letter to the Sheriff’s department stating it was him and that if anything happens to her Richard is responsible. He gets furiously angry and charges at the trailer. He breaks in and from outside we hear him attack and ultimately shoot her.
Richard leaves her lying on the ground in a pool of blood with the oven open, the gas on and a lit candle nearby. As he gets back to his car, he calls his inside man Deputy Chad (John Pirruccello) to have him intercept the letter. Chad says he will try but he’s not sure he can do it. Angrily, Richard tells him he has to.
Richard Horne is a bad guy and I am not at all surprised that he murdered Miriam.
At the New Fat Trout Trailer Park, Carl (Harry Dean Stanton) sits outside of his trailer playing his guitar and singing. His song is interrupted by a coffee mug thrown out through a glass window of a nearby trailer. Inside, Steven Burnett (Caleb Landry Jones) is in a rage yelling at his wife Becky (Amanda Seyfried). He complains about the small amount of money she makes and that they can’t even afford their trailer. He tells he’s a good guy because he never tells her to clean the place up. But he also says that he knows what she did. Becky cowers on the couch looking terrified.
I am not surprised that Becky has gotten herself into the same type of abusive situation her mom was in with Leo.
In Las Vegas, Rodney Mitchum (Robert Knepper) is sitting on the couch in his living room examining the casino surveillance log. At the same time, Candie (Amy Shiels) is chasing a buzzing fly around the room. She carefully keeps her eyes on the bug ready to swat at it with her hands. She reaches down and picks up the TV remote. When the fly comes to rest on Rodney’s face she strikes it with the remote. His face now slightly bloody reacts loudly to the pain drawing the attention of his brother Bradley (James Belushi) who comes running in from the other room. Candie is in tears as she can’t believe she did that. She is horrified when she sees the blood on his face. As Rodney tries to tell her he’s okay she just gets more hysterical and Bradley aids in trying to calm her down.
Candie hit him with the remote, what did she think was going to happen?
Janey-E (Naomi Watts) has finally got Cooper (Kyle MacLachlan) into the doctor’s office. When Cooper takes off his shirt Doctor Ben (John Billingsley) is stunned by his physique and he asks if he has been exercising. Cooper simply repeats the word exercising. As the doctor checks his impressive vitals, Janey-E really begins to take notice of the difference in Cooper’s physical appearance from the man she knew a Dougie. She begins to get noticeably aroused.
How long has it been since Dougie went to the doctor?
Back at the Mitchum’s home, night has fallen but Candie is still beating herself up over having hit Rodney earlier. Mandie (Andréa Leal) stands nearby in the kitchen making martinis while Sandie (Giselle DaMier) brings a fresh over to Rodney who is still seated on the couch. After delivering the new drink and picking up his empty glass she goes over to console Candie. However, Candie nudges her away as she continues to whimper. Rodney tells her once again that he’s fine.
On TV, Rodney is watching the local news report on the arrest of Ike “The Spike” (Christophe Zajac-Denek). He calls to Bradley, who has just entered the room, to tell him the news and that he needs to remember to call off the hit on Ike. Excited that this will save them some money, the brothers air fist bump. The news further reports on Ike’s attempt of Cooper’s life, thus giving the brothers the identity of their mysterious “Mr. Jackpots.” Through tears, Candie asks “How can you ever lover me after what I did?”
Come on Candie, you need to get over this. Local Vegas news is the best, along with air fist bumps.
At the Jones’ home, as Cooper sits at the table eating cake, a very amorous Janey-E starts asking Cooper if he finds her attractive, because she finds him attractive. Upstairs in the bedroom, she passionately calls out Dougie’s name repeatedly as straddles him. All the while, with his arms bouncing up and down like a bird trying to flying, Cooper wears a goofy grin as he lies under her. In his bedroom, Sonny Jim (Pierce Gagnon) is startled awake and springs up in bed by his mother’s increasing volume. Finished, Janey-E lies on Cooper’s chest telling him that she loves him. As he so often does, he repeats her words back to her.
I feel like Janey-E is ready for two rides!
Even though he is Dougie currently, he is still Coop and it makes me feel weird in a not good way that he is having sex.
Dr. Jacoby (Russ Tamblyn) rants on his web show as his number one fan, Nadine (Wendy Robie), stares lovingly at the show on her computer in her office at her silent drapes store. She says to herself about Jacoby, “He’s so beautiful.”
You used to be so chillaxed Dr. Jacoby? What happened? It does seem like he has a big fan in Nadine.
The next morning, the Jones’ are leaving for work and school. Janey-E tells Sonny Jim to go get into the car. Stopping Cooper, she tells him, with her own goofy grin, she can’t stop thinking about last night and that he’s wonderful.
For Janey-E to calm down, all she needed was a ride from Dougie.
Jerry Horne, still lost in the woods and without a phone signal, yells as the trees “YOU CAN’T FOOL ME! I’VE BEEN HERE BEFORE!”
Deputy Chad approaches Lucy’s (Kimmy Robertson) desk at the entrance of the Twin Peaks Sheriff’s Department. As he stares out the glass doors, she asks what he doing up there. He says he’s just enjoying the nice day. Chad then briefly engages her in small talk about nice days before spotting the approaching mailman. He tells Lucy he’ll go and get the mail. She seems confused and tells him the mailman will bring it inside. Chad says he’s going to save him the trouble and also enjoy the nice day.
Outside he accepts the mail from the mailman, who get back in his jeep but looks back the deputy with an eye of suspicion as he begins to flip through the envelopes. Unbeknownst to Chad, Lucy is also suspiciously watching him through the window. As the mailman waves goodbye and drives away, Chad slips the envelope from Miriam Hodges into his shirt and heads back inside. He drops off the rest of the mail with Lucy as he grabs a donut and heads back to his desk with a feeling of accomplishment. Unsure of what just happened; Lucy begins to sort the mail.
A moment later, Richard receives a text from Chad consisting only of the word “Done.”
You are just terrible Deputy Chad. Even the mailman gives you a second look. Nobody likes you. Isn’t Miriam’s last name Sullivan?
At the home of Sylvia Horne (Jan D’Arcy), a banged up but still alive, Johnny (Erik Rondell) sits wearing a helmet and strapped to a chair and the dining room table. He stare a device that has the body of teddy bear but clear globe where the head should be. Inside the globe, which has David Lynch drawn face on it, is a light that illuminates with each syllable uttered by the device. The device repeats “Hello Johnny, how are you today?” Johnny just stares unresponsively at it.
A voice, presumably from a guard post at the entrance of the community, comes over an intercom alerting Sylvia that her grandson Richard is on his way to her house. Sylvia walks to her front door as Richard gets out. She tells him to stay away or she call the sheriff. Sweetly he says “But Grandma…” and tells her he just needs a couple dollars as he shoves her in the house. She responds she doesn’t have any and he should ask his grandfather but adds “he won’t give you any more, will he?” Richard says he has money but he needs more to live town. Yelling at her he begins to strangle her demanding the combination to the safe. Seeing his mother in peril, Johnny tries to come to her aid but because he is strapped to the chair he simply falls over instead. She gives Richard the combination and he takes everything including her purse leaving her in tears holding Johnny.
That teddy bear thing is freaking me out! And how can Richard beat and rob his grandma like that? I also thought for sure we would get some reference to who Richard’s parent is, however we did not.
Roger (Joe Adler) comes into Duncan Todd’s (Patrick Fischler) office to confirm for him that Ike has been arrested. Duncan thanks him for the information and then turns his attention to Anthony Sinclair (Tom Sizemore) who has been sitting in his office. He tells Anthony to pay a visit to his business rivals and bitter enemies, the Mitchum brothers. He instructs him to inform them the claim on their burnt down casino that Duncan and Anthony conspired to deny them was actually denied by Dougie Jones. Finally he tells Anthony that if he fails, he will be responsible for killing Dougie himself.
Curious to see how this will play out with Dougie being set up by Duncan and Anthony.
In Buckhorn, Albert Rosenfield (Miguel Ferrer) is enjoying a private and lively dinner and conversation with Constance Talbot (Jane Adams). From afar they are spotted by Gordon Cole (David Lynch). Gordon points them out to Agent Preston (Chrysta Bell) and they both begin to giggle.
Love sparks for Albert.
Anthony Sinclair is spotted on the surveillance system at the Silver Mustang Casino by the Mitchum Brothers. Wondering why he’s there, they send Candie out to get him and bring him back into the surveillance room. She does although when she gets out to him she begins talking to making large gestures with her arms. Confused about why this is taking so long and having no ideas what she could be saying to him, they call through the radio to Pit Boss Warrick (David Dastmalchian) to send Anthony and Candie into the back room now.
When they enter the room, the Mitchums demand to know what she was saying to him. Candie tells then she was telling him about how hot the weather is so hot and they are lucky to have their casino kept cool by their air conditioning. Anthony proceeds to tells them about how Dougie was the one who handled their claim and it was him that had it ruled arson and denied their claim. Furthermore he says that Dougie has a personal vendetta against them and that to this date Dougie has said they will never get their money.
I don’t really think that Candie was telling Anthony about the weather. Also, Anthony now has pinned this story of how Dougie Jones is out to get the brothers. What will happen next?
Back home, the brothers decided they’re going to call Dougie tomorrow and set up meeting. Feeling they have been burned twice now by Dougie, they swear to kill him.
I love how the Mitchum Brothers get back to their place and immediately the girls start making drinks.
At his hotel room in Buckhorn, Gordon Cole receives a knock on his door. When he opens it, he sees the door way filled by a vision of a crying Laura Palmer. The image fades and he sees Albert standing there. Gordon regains his composure and invites Albert in. Albert tells Gordon about the text Diane received in the last episode. The message pinged off a cell tower in Philadelphia so at first he thought it was a message from of her stable of male suitors. But, he says, Tammy investigated further and discovered it came from a server in Mexico. He further states that
Diane sent back a heavily encrypted message stating “They have Hastings. He’s going to take them to the site.”
Gordon replies that he felt it when she hugged him but this confirms it. He tells Albert to keep her close. Soon they are joined by Tammy who has a photo that was pulled off of one of the oldest of the memory cards from New York. The image appears to show Bad Cooper in front of the box listening to another man talk. All Gordon can say is “Damn, this is something, really something.”
What was that all about with the image of Laura? I don’t think that Albert saw it. And who or what is Diane involved with that Gordon has speculated? We know she is aware of why they went to Buckhorn, however, why is she involved? And is Bad Cooper the billionaire?
In his office, Ben Horne (Richard Beymer) is on the phone with Sylvia as she tells him about Richard’s “visit.” She tells him he’s going to need to replace the money Richard stole. He refuses to send her any more money and she says she calling her lawyer before hanging up on him. Dejected, he calls out to Beverly asking if she’d like to have dinner with him.
I feel like Benjamin and Sylvia are divorced.
Deputy Chief Hawk (Michael Horse) is on the phone with the Log Lady (Catherine E. Coulson). She tells him “Hawk, electricity is humming. You hear it in the mountains and rivers. You see it dance among the seas and stars and glowing around the moon. But in these days the glow is dying. What will be in the darkness that remains? The Truman brothers are both true men. They are your brothers. And the others, the good ones who have been with you, now the circle is almost complete. Watch and listen to the dream of time and space. It all comes out now, flowing like a river that which is and is not. Hawk, Laura is the one.”
I did not expect to see the Log Lady again this season, so glad that she made another appearance. And with her telling Hawk that essentially, he can trust those that he has known a long time, like the Truman Brothers. I am sure she does not mean Deputy Chad.
Rebekah del Rio is on stage at the Roadhouse accompanied by Moby singing a song called No Stars.
Final Thoughts
I don’t have a lot of commentary this week for the episode, however I am sure that others will have found this last episode brutal. I take this show for what it is and continually have faith that all will come together in the end.
Join me here each week during the season for recaps and discussion of every episode. Twin Peaks airs Sundays at 9 pm on Showtime.