Friday night marked the beginning of Universal Hollywood’s Halloween Horror Nights 2015. Every year, the scariest movies ever made come to life in living, breathing terror for horror fans everywhere. This year Halloween: Michael Myers Comes Home, Alien Vs. Predator, Crimson Peak: Maze of Madness, Walking Dead: Wolves Not Far, Insidious: Return to the Further, This is the End 3D, and the Terror Tram: Survive the Purge were set loose on park guests.
As part of the opening night festivities, Universal Hollywood, the Entertainment Capital of Los Angeles, invited celebrities and creatives to come and enjoy the fun, with many of them having played a part in creating the horror-filled evening. We got to chat with a few of the fine folks joining in on the celebration as they strolled the red carpet. Let us tell you, this group was fun. Horror seems to bring out the goofy side in people and we had an absolute blast.
And Now, enjoy the blood red carpet in all of its vibrant, video glory! A special thanks to Ken Toghia for handling the video.
Dark Harbor VIP Haunt event, Long Beach CA, Oct 3rd
If you will be in the southern California Area and would like to experience an amazing haunt, we have just the thing for you. Join us for the Dark Harbor VIP Haunt event on Saturday Oct 3rd.
- Lights-on tour of a maze with creator/designer JJ Wickham:
- Admission to the All-New Anubis Paintball Adventure: This up-charge experience is certain to sell out quickly every night, because it allows you to face an onslaught of mummies and monsters, armed for the first time with a paintball gun. Do you have what it takes to survive this “newly” transplanted pharaoh’s tomb?
- Admission into the Freakshow experience
- All Night Front of the Line access: This really is worth its (lack of) “wait” ingGold. Most of these mazes you will want to experience more than once, and this is the only way to do it without spending most of your night in lines.
- All-night-access to the exclusive R.I.P. lounge: Perhaps the greatest perk of all! A deck above, and yet in the middle of all the action, with endless, delicious street tacos, 3 drink tickets at the exclusive bar (again, avoiding the long lines below), and a variety of places to comfortably lounge while enjoying the delightful chorus of horrific screams that the world famous Dark Harbor sliders relentlessly create all evening.
We have bundled all of this together at the very reasonable price of $125.00 per person. If you have visited before, you know what a great value all these extras are. If you haven’t, this is the best way to first experience this distinctively unique haunt that is the Queen Mary’s Dark Harbor.