Violet Butterfield: Makeup Artist for the Dead was written and directed by Brooke H. Cellars. It’s a whimsical comedy about a mortuary cosmetologist whose talent for makeup is so impressive she draws the attention of the living dead. Underneath it are themes of regret, the importance of self-expression, and second chances. 

The acting is good. The performances dictate the tone, and when things get serious the comedic tone is never fully abandoned because of Michelle Malentina‘s performance. The humor and the drama mesh together well. The humor acts as a very brief relief from the drama. It keeps everything light and fun despite delving into serious topics, and when the tone shifts back to what it was at the start it feels completely natural. The character relationships are simple, but they have an edge to them. Violet Butterfield is bothered by her clients, but never too bothered to help. The dialogue is well done and playfully anachronistic. 

Violet Butterfield: Makeup Artist for the Dead nails the aesthetic of the 70’s. The credits, fashion, editing, and cinematography all bleed 70’s cinema. It is incredibly stylish. The dialogue is more bold than what one would typically expect from a 70’s film. Curses are spewed in both frustration and love, and I enjoy that about it. It may mimic the past, but it is very much a product of the present. This juxtaposition adds a layer of empowerment to the piece. The effects are practical. They are not impressive in their complexity, but they perfectly fit the era of film being represented. Anything that couldn’t be done practically was done with entertaining and intelligent editing. 

Violet Butterfield: Makeup Artist for the Dead never made me laugh, but it was a humorous feel-good experience. It’s just pleasant. Watching it is like experiencing a mental pallet cleanser.  

8 out of 10

Violet Butterfield: Makeup Artist for the Dead
Horror Short Film "Violet Butterfield: Makeup Artist for the Dead"| ALTER
Runtime: 12 Mins.
Directed By:
Written By:

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