Waypoint Entertainment, known for its innovative and high-quality productions, has officially launched a new horror genre label, Cweature Features. The label, pronounced “Kwee-Cha Fee-Chas,” is spearheaded by industry veterans Ken Kao and Josh Rosenbaum, who aim to provide a collaborative environment for filmmakers to create unique and terrifying content.
The launch of Cweature Features comes on the heels of Waypointâs successful slate deal with NEON, following their collaboration on the much-anticipated horror film Cuckoo. Ken Kao, Founder and President of both Waypoint Entertainment and Cweature Features, expressed his excitement about the new venture, stating, âWe hope this new division will shake up the genre with daring and innovative projects that push the boundaries of what horror can be.â
Longlegs, directed by Oz Perkins, is the first film under Waypointâs slate deal with NEON. Released just a month ago, the film has already grossed an impressive $71 million globally, making it the highest-grossing indie horror film of the last decade and the top-grossing R-rated horror film of 2024. This overwhelming success has set a high bar for the new label, which is poised to become a significant player in the horror genre.
Josh Rosenbaum, Partner and Producer of Cweature Features and Waypoint Entertainment, shared his enthusiasm, stating, âThe dark allure and possibilities within the horror genre have always been captivating. Through the lens of Cuckoo, our passion for all things spooky has been reinvigorated.â He added that the success of Longlegs has only fueled their desire to push the genre forward with even more twisted and genre-defying projects.
The name Cweature Features has a personal and charming origin, inspired by Kaoâs 6-year-old daughter and her friends, who endearingly mispronounced “creature” as “cweature.” This playful yet eerie spirit is at the heart of the new label, embracing the idea that horror can be both frightening and fun, often best enjoyed with a wicked grin.
With Cweature Features, Waypoint Entertainment is set to continue its legacy of producing standout genre films, including the upcoming Cuckoo and Leigh Whannellâs Wolf Man with Blumhouse Productions. Horror fans should brace themselves for a new wave of nightmarish tales that promise to redefine the genre.