Written and produced by Disasterina and Ave Rose (the online search results on these two alone is worth a look) and directed by Ave Rose, Which Witch Won? is 14 minutes of slick flamboyancy with a cast of both well-known and underground drag performers. Landon Cider in the lead role is supported by Foxie Adjuia, Charles Galin, Felony Dodger, Amber St. James, and Greasy Bouffanti. I’ve never encountered any of the above before, but I just LOVE those names. So much so in fact I’m considering creating one for myself.

So, here we are at a soundcheck for a witch-themed drag show in a Los Angeles nightclub, where the host of the event (Cider) incites the others (in the spirit of the occasion (pun intended) to have a go at summoning a demon. You know; as one does. This suggestion is met with an equal mix of levity and scorn by the performers, who voice their feelings in a style as camp and colourful as candy confetti, but as sharp as an injection of razorblades. Nevertheless, they agree; a-summoning they shall go.

What follows is a treat for those of you who’re lovers of the multicoloured and chaotic, and even if the plot is a bit (well, quite a lot) of a jumble that manages to be simplistic and puzzling at the same time, each of the characters nail their respective roles. Their deliciously acid rapid-fire dialogue is hilarious and never misses a beat, nor does it allow the attention to wander. As a bonus, the cinematography is equally gorgeous.

Which Witch Won? is like the lovechild of The Rocky Horror Picture Show and Flashdance. What it lacks in structure it makes up for with a ton of shameless swagger.

6 out of 10 Demonic Drag Stars

Which Witch Won?
Which Witch Won? A short horror film from Treyfid Rose Productions
Runtime: 14 Mins.
Directed By:
Ave Rose
Written By:

Disasterina & Ave Rose

About the Author