We are huge fans of Shauna MacDonald. Ever since The Descent, this woman has torn the silver screen to shreds with great performances. Now she is in a new pic called WHITE CHAMBER that is arriving March 29th in theaters.

Synopsis: The United Kingdom in the near future. Civil war rages, and martial law has been declared by a military government hellbent on squashing the opposition. A woman (Scottish BAFTA nominee Shauna MacDonald, The Descent) wakes up in a blindingly white cuboid cell, where General Zakarian (Oded Fehr) uses increasingly sophisticated and cruel methods to torture her for information – information she claims not to have. As questions of trust are placed both on captor and captive, they find themselves embroiled in an increasingly spiraling journey into the nature of authority.

White Chamber - Official Movie Trailer (2019)

This looks very reminiscent of CUBE with a singular, enclosed space with a myriad of uses and possible terrors. Of course, MacDonald seems to kill it. So ok, when can we see it?

MARCH 29, 2019

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