Yellow Veil Pictures has announced that they have acquired worldwide rights for We Kill for Love, an erotic thriller documentary directed by Anthony Penta. The film explores the lost and misunderstood world of the direct-to-video erotic thriller, an American film genre that once dominated late-night cable television and the shelves of neighborhood video stores. We Kill for Love will have its world premiere at the Overlook Film Festival, with a domestic release planned later this year.
Balancing film art with scholarship, We Kill for Love pulls back the curtain to reveal the heart and soul of a forgotten and often maligned film movement. Penta’s documentary serves as more than just a love letter to the genre, but also pushes the conversation and spotlights films that have often lost out to their more glamorous theatrical counterparts.
Joe Yanick, co-founder of Yellow Veil Pictures, said, “We Kill For Love is a home run for erotic thriller fans. It’s one of the most in-depth looks at genre cinema and serves as more than just a love letter but pushes the conversation and spotlights films that have often lost out to their more glamorous theatrical counterparts.”
Director Anthony Penta shared, “We Kill for Love is part film essay, part documentary, and part case file. It’s a record of my prolonged investigation into a forgotten but once lucrative film movement – the direct-to-video erotic thriller – as well as a fantasia on its themes. For six years, I tracked down the prime suspects of these films, and I recorded their stories. I traveled the country to interview the academics and film writers whose books and articles explored its mysteries. I’m very happy to be partnering with Yellow Veil Pictures on the release of this film, and I’m sure it will serve as a permanent monument to not only a lost film subgenre but a bygone era of American cinema.”
We Kill for Love stars filmmakers Andrew Stevens, Jim Wynorski, Fred Olen Ray; film stars Monique Parent, Amy Lindsay, Kira Reed Lorsch; film scholars Linda Ruth Williams, Abbey Bender, and more. Yellow Veil Pictures will present the film for international buyers at the Marche Du Film later this year.
We Kill for Love is an exciting new documentary that explores the lost world of direct-to-video erotic thrillers. Directed by Anthony Penta, the film features interviews with filmmakers, film stars, and scholars, shedding light on a genre that has been overlooked for too long. Yellow Veil Pictures has acquired worldwide rights for the film and will be presenting it for international buyers at the Marche Du Film. Don’t miss your chance to see this fascinating and insightful documentary when it premieres at the Overlook Film Festival.
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