After the meteor destroyed most of the eastern seaboard, AJ, Gina, Nicole, Curtis, Apple, and David must find a way to survive. As the world becomes a lawless place new alliances must be formed but it may not be too easy. The world they once knew is gone and replaced with a much wilder and ravenous one. Tensions are high in the abandoned Farmhouse and a new enemy may be entering their safe haven.

AJ and David try to sort out their new living arrangements with Curtis and Apple but David seems to have other plans. No one is to be trusted especially someone who almost shot his friend. Everyone gathers to get to know one another, but things get aggressive very quickly. 

Curtis reflects on the moments before the meteor struck and reveals what he used to do. David finds that he can not trust Curtis. David brings up government conspiracies which question his sanity. Everyone is on high alert and ready to keep their loved one safe, no matter who it is they must kill.

David’s strong belief in zombies and government conspiracies does not fair well with his friends. He truly believes there are zombies outside, and we know there is, but can he convince the others? If he can not get them to believe the unbelievable there may be little hope of surviving. Apple may make it very clear to David about what she believes. Everything is changing too quickly for anyone to keep up.

If you aren’t already, you can start watching the series at,, Amazon Prime, Vimeo On Demand and on theScreenMagic TV Roku Channel.

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