DEMENTIA 13 is the retelling of Francis Ford Coppola’s film of the same name, which was produced by Roger Corman. It follows the story of a vengeful ghost, a mysterious killer, and a family where everyone has a secret converge in one night of terror.
The film was written by Dan DeFilippo (The Invaders and Chilling Visions: 5 States of Fear) and Justin Smith (Siren, The Boy), is directed by Richard LeMay (Blood Bound, Naked As We Come) and stars Channing Pickett (Redheads Anonymous), Marianne Noscheze (Horror Time), Christian Ryan (Celebrity Ghost Stories, Casters), Julia Campanelli ( 116) and Ana Isabelle (The Eyes, Lost Cat Corona).
Whatever you do, don’t watch this before bed. It looks like the perfect film to usher in Halloween 2017!
Chiller Films will be releasing DEMENTIA 13 in Theaters on October 6th and on VOD and Digital HD on October 10th.