By overwhelming popular demand, acclaimed animation studio LAIKA will present a return holiday engagement of “From Coraline to Kubo: A Magical LAIKA Experience” from December 21, 2016 to January 15, 2017 at Universal Studios Hollywood. The innovative, interactive Experience offers an up-close look at the artistry and imagination behind LAIKA’s groundbreaking 10-year filmmaking history, which includes the Academy Award-nominated films Coraline (2009), ParaNorman (2012) and The Boxtrolls (2014), as well as this year’s acclaimed Kubo and the Two Strings, winner of multiple awards for its innovative stop-motion animation. The exhibition previously debuted this summer at Universal Studios Hollywood and was met with tremendous success, enjoyed by thousands of guests.
“From Coraline to Kubo: A Magical LAIKA Experience” showcases the evolution of LAIKA’s unique blend of handcrafted stop-motion animation and visual effects magic that will once again come to life in four imaginatively themed rooms. The extensive display of original sets, puppets and props will immerse guests in their singular, fantastical worlds. This special event will take place within the theme park’s Globe Theatre and is included in the price of admission.